If any of these links are broken or out-of-date, please visit the USAF ePubs website and search for the number of the document, or use Google to try to find a new copy.
AFROTCI 36-2011 – Cadet Operations (PDF) CAO 31 March 2022 – This is the main governing document for all AFROTC operations and cadet policies. It’s a good idea to reference this document when you have a question about an AFROTC policy.
AFMAN 36-2032 – Military Recruiting and Accessions (PDF) CAO 27 September 2019 – Guidance for recruiting and joining the military for both officer and enlisted members. Has a section for AFROTC with high-level guidance.
DoDI 6130.03 – Medical Standards (PDF) CAO 6 June 2022 – Medical standards for joining the military. These are the standards DoDMERB uses to determine if someone is qualified to serve in the military or not.
DAFMAN 36-2664 – Personnel Assessment Program (PDF) CAO 11 March 2022 – This manual has information about the AFOQT and TBAS tests.
DAFI 36-2903 – Dress and Appearance (PDF) CAO 3 December 2021 – This DAFI governs dress and appearance standards for active duty USAF and USSF members. This instruction also applies to cadets, except where it differs by the AFROTC Supplement below.
AFROTC Supplement to DAFI 36-2903 (PDF) CAO 18 November 2021 – This document updates the above DAFI 36-2903. The section markings tell you where the instructions for AFROTC cadets differ from active duty members.
Memo updating AFROTC Supplement to DAFI 36-2903 (PNG) CAO 3 December, 2021 – This memo provides a couple of minor updates to the AFROTC supplement.
AFPAM 34-1202 – Guide to Protocol (PDF) CAO 8 May 2019 – Chapter 8 covers dinings in and out, formal military banquets. The rest of this pamphlet may be helpful if a high ranking individual is visiting the detachment.
Holm Center T-1626 – Dining-In/Dining-Out Guide (PDF) CAO 2008 – A Holm Center guide for dining-in/dining-out. Very similar to the AFPAM above